#1144. Jesus, the head, continues His ministry through His body (13/9/24)
Let’s be inspired by the truth that we are Jesus’ body and He wants to continue His ministry through us.
#1144. Jesus, the head, continues His ministry through His body (13/9/24)
#1143. Jesus' body is diverse (12/9/24)
#1142. Jesus' body is united (11/9/24)
#1141. How do I become a member of Jesus’ body? (10/9/24)
#1140. The church is the living body of Christ (9/9/24)
#1138. God comes to His temple (6/9/24)
#1137. Don’t you know that you are God’s temple? (5/9/24)
#1136. The church is God’s temple (4/9/24)
#1135. What is the church that Jesus is building? (3/9/24)
#1134. I will build my church and hell will not overcome! (2/9/24)