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  • Writer's pictureMatt Beaney

#1135. What is the church that Jesus is building? (3/9/24)

Welcome to the Come to Jesus Daily Devotional. Today, as we continue our ‘God’s vision for the church’ series, we consider more about the kind of church that Jesus is building. 

To watch this devotional, follow the link below:

‘And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ (Matthew 16:18)

Today, we simply want to ask what Jesus meant by “I will be build my church…” so as to play our part in this vital vision that, as we see, Satan wants to distract us from. 

There are many views of the church. The church is seen as an institution. It’s seen as that building on the hill with a graveyard. It’s seen as a small group that must only meet in a home. Its seen as believers gathering for a rock concert without the need for deep relationships of faithfulness. In order to be involved in building the church, today we want to briefly look at a few important truths that paint a picture of God’s vision for the church. 

i. The church is God’s community that are ‘called out’ and ‘called together’. 

The word ‘church’ (ekklēsía) in our text, means an assembly of people who have been called out and summoned together for a purpose. As Israel had been God’s ‘called out ones’ - His Holy people - so now the church are God’s called out ones. So, firstly, to build the church is to build a community that’s called out and called together - Called out of the world to belong to God in holiness, and called together for worship, Loving relationships and God’s mission to make more disciples. 

ii. The Church is universal and local

The church, firstly is universal and consisted of  all who are chosen and redeemed by God’ in heaven and on earth. All true Christians - those re-born by The Spirit and united in Christ  -  no matter the church affiliation (or none!) are a part of Jesus’ Universal Church. The church is ‘catholic’, which means composed of all Christians throughout the world. 

However, it’s vital that we understand that the church is also local - The Local Church is a local family or body of believers. This, as we see in the New Testament, is the main place that we build. Using our gifts and resources, God wants each of us to be devoted to the fellowship and to building our local church.

iii. The Visible and Invisible church

Finally, it’s vital that we understand that the universal and local church consists of  The ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ church. The ‘Visible’ are all who claim to belong to Jesus and who look, externally, like Christians. The ‘Invisible’, however, are those whom The Lord knows to be truly born again and who belong to Him. This ‘Invisible Church’ is the true church of God. Members of this invisible church are found throughout all denominations and none. This means that the church - The Visible Church - is always a mixed group of, ‘Wheat and tares’ or ‘Wheat and weeds’ (Matthew 13:24-30). 


God’s vision of the church He’s building is of:

i. His ‘ekklēsía’ - communities that He’s ‘called out’ of the world and ‘called to’ belong to Him. His vision is that we are fully devoted to Him and fully devoted to one another. 

ii. Communities of people who love The Universal Church, whilst being devoted to a local church family that’s led by a body of shepherd (elders). We must beware of the super-spiritual excuse of loving all Christians so much that we can’t love anyone very much!

iii. Communities that understand that in even within their own church or church family, there is contained the ‘visible’ and the ‘invisible’ church - ‘Wheat and weeds’. We must strive to build, but we will never have perfection. Men and women will sin and fall away - even leaders! We must not become cynical, but must remain loving and faithful. 


'Together' meeting notes

Over the next two 'Together' evenings, we will briefly reflect on our 'God's vision for the church' vision series. This week, we reflect on the promise of God to build His church and the temple metaphor.

1. God has promised and the enemy is opposing

We need to have faith in God’s vision for the church because God has promised to build His church and this is under demonic assault: 

‘And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.’ (Matthew 16:18)
  • Pray together: Pray for one another regarding our involvement in building His church. Pray for the church to be built and protected. Specifically, pray for our Community Groups. 

2. The church is God’s Chosen people and His temple

The word ‘church’ (ekklēsía) in our text, means to be  ‘called out from’, and ‘called to’. The church is all the people ‘called out from the world’ in order to belong to God - we are those chosen by God to be holy for Him and serve Him in this world. 

One of the metaphors that’s used for the church is of her being God’s holy temple:

‘Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household,  built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone.  In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord.  And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.(Ephesians 2:20-22) 


  • What is our ‘foundation’ and ‘cornerstone’ and what does this mean?

  • What is meant by ‘joined together and rises’ and ‘built together’?

  • What does it mean to be a ‘holy temple in the Lord’?

  • What does it mean to be ‘a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit'?

  • How should God’s vision of us being His holy temple be reflected in our various meetings for worship and prayer?

  • How does is this metaphor to be applied in our individual lives?

  • Specifically, how should God’s vision for the church as a holy temple affect our vision for our Community Group meetings? 

  • Pray together: Pray for the church and your Community Group to better reflect her identity as God’s holy temple and dwelling place. 

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