This week’s devotions are based upon Sunday's message from John 1:1-14
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5)
This world is summarised as ‘darkness’. This sounds a bit harsh! However, from God’s perspective, every aspect of creation has been infected by sin - this is the doctrine of ’Total Depravity’. Death and decay are a reality that was never meant to be present. Darkness, particularly, is a reference to mankind’s fallen condition. We, by nature, rebel against God. This darkness led to the persecution and crucifixion of Jesus. In 3:19, we read,
‘This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil.’ (John 3:19)
John’s reference to ‘the darkness has not overcome it’ means a few things: firstly, fallen humanity has not ‘understood it’ (another way of translating these words). Without the work of the Spirit we cannot understand and honour Jesus as we should. Secondly, ‘the darkness has not overcome it’ - those who crucified Christ did not win the victory over Him. Thirdly, this world continues to fail to ‘understand’ Jesus and many continue to try to ‘overcome’ Him but they never will!
We are told that ‘the light shines in the darkness’. Jesus has come into this world. God has come to the earth in human form - the Incarnation. Here, God is reassuring us that no matter how evil and unbelieving our world seems to be, Jesus is loving, powerful and is able to transform anyone! Light shines in darkness. No matter how dark the night, Jesus is brighter.
Jesus continues to give new light and life to people every day. Every story is different, but every story is one of darkness being overcome by light.
I’ve made a few comments. However, it’s more important that you engage with the text yourself. Take a moment to pray and listen to God’s voice out of today’s text.
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ (John 1:5)
I find it helpful to use the following questions which are based upon The Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13).
1. Praise - What does this text teach me about God? What can I praise Him for?
2. Petitions - What does this teach me about His will for me and others? What could I pray for from this text? This is a good time to pray for our non-believing. friends. It’s good to ask, Is the Holy Spirit leading me in any specific response?
3. Peace-making - Is the Holy Spirit convicting me of sin for which I need forgiveness? Do I need to forgive others?
4. Protection - Ask for God’s protection generally and for any specific areas of vulnerability. Am I believing lies regarding the truths in this text?
There are no Community Group meetings until January.