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#188 – COME TO JESUS DAILY (9/9/20)

Writer's picture: Matt BeaneyMatt Beaney

Coming to Jesus daily is the single most important thing that any of us can do.

Today, and over the next few Wednesdays, I want to remind you of the ‘Come to Jesus Daily Method’ of bible intake. This practice is well worth the extra time and effort that is required.

Many people struggle to read, understand, meditate on, pray out of and apply the Bible. The method we’ll be using today is a great tool that I think will be of great help to you.


Biblical meditation is to prayerfully read, repeatedly, a section of the bible and pray, worship and respond as God leads. Thomas Watson wrote,

“The reason we come away so cold from reading the word is because we do not warm ourselves at the fire of meditation.”

Here are a few tips and questions to help you when meditating:


Ask for the Spirit to help you and to speak to you. Keep the goal in mind - having a relationship with God! Choose a text from the bible and then use the following points to help you to digest it.

If you can’t think of a text, use Philippians 3:8-9


Writing/journaling is often a great help as you answer the questions below. Remember, don't allow worry about spelling, punctuation, grammar, perfection... stop you from writing - it's between you and God.


‘Gaze on the cross’- What does this text say about salvation through Jesus? Look for the gospel of grace in the text even when it’s not the obvious, primary meaning.


What does it say about God – His worth, character, attributes, will, promises…?


What does this text say about and to you? What does it teach about the church and how we are to relate?


What does this text say about non-believers and our mission? In this section make a commitment to pray through a list of non-believing friends that God has put into your life.


Is there anything that you want to pray, worship God about, do, ask forgiveness about, ask God to help you to change…?




It might be good to begin with notices. Please share from this week’s Church News.

Suggested opener/Ice-breaker

Apart from your family members, dog/cat etc. if your home burnt down, what 2 things would you save and why?

Introduction - please share in your group

On Sunday we saw that Paul, used himself as an example of someone who could have put confidence in his good works and heritage for salvation. However, he has counted all self-confidence as ‘rubbish’ compared to the gift God God’s perfect righteousness that is ours through faith in Jesus.

We are all in danger of falling into legalism (trust in our performance) for salvation. God encourages us, through this text, to rejoice in and repeat the gospel to ourselves as a safeguard.

Discuss in your group

(Choose which questions to cover based on the time you have)

Please read Philippians 3:1 and discuss: Rejoicing in the Lord has an emphasis on remembering the gospel. Why and from what is this a ‘safeguard’?

Please read Philippians 3:2-3 and Discuss: Being the ‘true circumcision’ is short-hand for being God’s true people. What does Paul say are the marks of God’s people?

Please read Philippians 3:8-9 and discuss:

i) How does one become righteous?

ii) How should considering Jesus to be of ‘surpassing worth’ effect our lives?

Discuss/share/pray in smaller groups:

1. What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about (maybe from Sunday's message or your bible reading this week)?

2. What will you do in response?

3. How can we pray for you?

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