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Writer's pictureMatt Beaney


This week’s devotionals are based on Adrian Holloway's message from our recent carol service.

Anyone who knows Jesus will seek to bring peace in the places and relationships in which God has placed us.

As those who have experienced the love of Jesus our peacemaker, it’s inevitable that we will also become peacemakers as Jesus tells us,

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

God’s children will take on the likeness of God’s Son. Every relationship will be changed by Jesus in us. Generosity and forgiveness will flow readily. The gospel of peace will pour out of our lives and the church. This is the inevitable consequence of knowing Jesus.

Through Christians, firstly, this world is to become a more peaceful place. The church is to pray for and work for peace. Where their is hate and division. She is to set an example and seek to restore broken relationships. This peace is a part of what it means to pray “Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven”.

Secondly, through Christians, more people are to be brought to peace with God through the message of the gospel. We have the message of peace. God and sinners can be reconciled through Jesus. He is the bridge. He is the mediator between man and God. He has made a way where there was no way.

How can we take practical steps to be peacemakers? Here are a few ideas:

1. Prayer, at least daily, that aspect of the Lord’s Prayer daily which speaks of giving and receiving forgiveness.

2. Pray for yourself and your community regularly.

3. Get to know our neighbours (and others in our lives) and pray for ways to bless them.

4. Get involved in a club or volunteer in some way so as to serve the community and build friendships.

4. Be ready to talk and share your testimony and the gospel as God opens opportunities through the day.

5. Be committed to a church Community Group where you will be encouraged and supported to share your faith.

6. Ensure that you are enjoying your relationship with God. If we love God and enjoy knowing Him, we will be a witness.


I’ve made a few comments. However, it’s more important that you engage with the text yourself. Take a moment to pray and listen to God’s voice out of today’s text.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

I find it helpful to use the following questions which are based upon The Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:9-13).

1. Praise - What does this text teach me about God? What can I praise Him for?

2. Petitions - What does this teach me about His will for me and others? What could I pray for from this text? This is a good time to pray for our non-believing. friends. It’s good to ask, Is the Holy Spirit leading me in any specific response?

3. Peace-making - Is the Holy Spirit convicting me of sin for which I need forgiveness? Do I need to forgive others?

4. Protection - Ask for God’s protection generally and for any specific areas of vulnerability. Am I believing lies regarding the truths in this text?



1. Notices

It might be good to begin with notices. Please share from this week’s Church News.


2. Icebreaker

How has God spoken to you from the Bible this week?


3. Recap of Sunday's message - please share in your group

Many people believe that if they have the right relationship, meaningful career, family, finances, travel experiences… that they would have peace and fulfilment in life. The truth is that those with all of these things, still have a deeper need that only a relationship with God can fill.


There is no true peace without a relationship with God. Without knowing God we are missing the deepest meaning of our existence. Without Christ, we are condemned and our sin separates us from God. Left to our own devices, we cannot have true peace. Paul tells us,

‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.’ (Romans 3:23-24)


Thankfully, the Father has done something about our sin. We read,

‘For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.’ (John 3:16-17)


Peace in life and peace with God is received through faith in Christ. The promise is for 'whoever believes...' The gift of Christmas is life through God's Son. The fullness of life and eternal life are gifted to those who asked Jesus to enter into their lives.

'O holy Child of Bethlehem! Descend to us, we pray; Cast out our sin, and enter in; Be born in us today.'

Discussion questions

This week is SIV Week. Our community needs the peace that God offers to them in the gospel and He wants to work through our church to bring His love to them.

1. It would be good to share any of our friends who came to the carol service. Do you have any plans to follow up in any way?

2. How are you planning (or could you plan) to serve, invest and invite in your friends during this upcoming Christmas season?

3. Let's pray for our community together. Let's pray for the particular people that God is putting on your heart. Let's pray for the Holy Spirit to direct us in how to Serve, Investa and Invite during this Christmas period.

If you have time, here are some questions from Adrian's message:

1. In what ways, does our world encourage us to seek peace?

2. How is it that Jesus can give peace with God?

3. What does John 3:16-17 tell us about how one receives true life?

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