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#872. Habits of greatness - Romans 12:12 (9/8/23)

Writer's picture: Matt BeaneyMatt Beaney

Welcome to this Come to Jesus Daily devotional. For the near future, we put our Luke series on pause as we have some stand-alone summer devotionals. I hope you find them helpful.

‘Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.’ (Romans 12:12)

Greatness is found in doing the right things consistently and praying personally and together is a habit of true greatness.

Recently I heard a couple of leadership podcasts by Craig Groeschel about the 8 habits of great leaders. He says:

“The potential of your leadership is a reflection of the quality of your habits. So, if you want a bigger impact, develop better habits…successful leaders do consistently what others do occasionally. It’s all about consistently doing the right things… the most effective leaders haven’t just mastered certain skills, they mastered a certain mindset and your habits are a result of how you think.

Here are his list of great leadership habits:


#1: The Habit of No Snooze

Identity statement: I’m the kind of person who wakes up when I intend to, and I’m prepped to tackle the day.

#2: The Habit of Pre-Deciding

Identity statement: I plan ahead for things that matter most, and my real priorities dictate my schedule and choices.

#3: The Habit of Doing the Hard-Right

Identity statement: I solve problems the right way, even if it’s more difficult right now. I’m happy to endure a little pain to create a stronger, better solution.

#4: The Habit of You-First Leadership

Identity statement: I’m a leader who loves people. I will start every interaction with the other person in mind.

#5: The Habit of Touching the Line

Identity statement: I don’t stop when I’m tired. I stop when I’m done. I don’t cut corners. I value integrity and progress too much to cheat on what matters most.

#6: The Habit of One More Rep

Identity statement: I exceed expectations, bring solutions, and go further than necessary. I’m willing to do one more rep because leaders do better than “normal.”

#7: The Habit of Fuelling the Fire

Identity statement: I stay passionate over time because I actively and intentionally encourage myself—I fuel the fire in my spirit about my mission, family, and goals.

#8: The Habit of Showing Back Up

Identity statement: When I commit, I don’t quit. I’m a finisher.

I couldn’t agree more. I really find a lot of what Craig says to be inspiring and helpful. I encourage you to listen to his leadership podcast and here are the links for these episodes on leadership habits:

However, I must say that praying together and personally must surely be explicitly stated as the greatest habit of the greatest leaders! Devotion to praying together must be explicit and not implicit. If there’s one habit that’s going to revolutionise our churches, it’s the habit of praying together. If we show up for the prayer meetings because it’s part of our identity and habits, this will revolutionise things.

Pride can easily slip in and we can put our hope in our ability to apply important habits. The humble - the poor in spirit and the meek (the blessed ones!)- put their hope in God through prayer. They acknowledge that any faithfulness to godly habits is a product of abiding in Christ through prayer.


Greatness is found in doing the right things consistently and praying personally and together is a habit of true greatness.

If we want to be great in God’s eyes and achieve great things according to God’s estimation, they must be birthed out of and achieved through prayer. Will you be the kind of person who shows up at prayer meetings? Will you put the chairs out? Will you seek to inspire and encourage by being a dependable feature of our praying together?



Until September I'll not be producing a group study. However, if you meet with your group why not simply use one of the devotionals as a basis for your discussion together?

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