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This week, and next, we will be focussing our devotions around the Easter theme. We will focus on two chapters only - Luke 23 & 24.
Please read Luke 23:26-43
All four of the gospels tell of this notice being placed on Jesus’ cross,
“There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the jews.” (Luke 23:38)
This was a warning - Rome would not tolerate any competition for power. In effect, they were saying, ‘this is what will happen to anyone who plans to rebel against Rome’s power’.
However, this sign unwittingly speaks truthfully: He was the King of the Jews, and indeed, of the whole world. He was a greater king than David or Solomon who were human beings; Jesus was the King by nature of being God. Paul writes,
‘Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!’ (Luke 2:6-8)
This scene is a part of Jesus ‘making Himself nothing’. Augustine says of this,
"He emptied himself not by losing what he was but by taking to him what he was not.”
He emptied Himself by becoming a servant and going to death for us.
In Philippians, Paul says that this vision of Jesus going to the cross was to radically transform all of our relationships. He says,
‘In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 2:5)
In this very trying season we are in, may this Easter cause us to set our eyes on Jesus again; may our relationships be full of His kind of love. Here are three questions for reflection:
The cross meant a surrender of privileges - do we stand on our rights?
He came as a servant – do we serve others?
He gave his life – are we prepared to love sacrificially?
Finally, here is a song entitled, You laid aside your majesty - warning - the video clip has graphic scenes of Jesus’ crucifixion of an 18 rating.
It's brutal, but it brings a reality to what it meant for Jesus to lay aside His majesty.
What aspect of the Easter story do you find most powerful and why?
Introduction - please read in your group
This week, and next, we will be focussing our devotions around the Easter theme. This week we are thinking about the death of Jesus, principally, from Luke 23. All four of the gospels tell of this notice being placed on Jesus’ cross,
“There was a written notice above him, which read: this is the king of the jews.” (Luke 23:38)
Although the authorities were mocking Jesus with this sign, it is also a great truth - Jesus is the King of Kings. Jesus is the King by virtue of being God. His death was a great act of humility and service to this sinful world.
Please discuss/share together
i) Please read Luke 23:26, 9:23, 14:27 – What does it mean for us to carry the cross in our lives? Do you have any examples that you would like to share?
ii) Please read Luke 23:38 - Jesus is being presented through this account as a king (the word king or kingdom appears 6 times in this chapter). What might God's reasons be for highlighting Jesus' identity in this way to us? How does His Lordship affect your everyday life?
ii) Please read Luke 23:44-46 – What does this say about how the cross saves us?
Pray together
If you can, please connect in groups of men or women. On Sunday we spoke about temptation from Matthew 6:13. Is there any temptation that you are dealing with that you'd like to share and pray about?
If it's not possible to get into gender groups, please go around your group, each one sharing what they would like prayer for at the moment. Pray for each person in turn.
Please pray for our nation, government and Boris Johnson, currently in hospital.
Pray for our Easter Sunday service.
Please share from this week’s Church News.